I knew it had been a while since I've been feeling antsy, and lately I've been scribbling things down on receipts and index cards because, let's be honest here, I HAVEN'T HAD A DECENT WRITING SESSION IN A LONG A** TIME! And as my scraps-of-scribbles pile has grown, so too has my antsy-ness.
Now I have a box full of chicken scratch-covered paper bits, and it is way too unorganized of a writing process.
So, to make a long ramble even longer...I've intentionally put aside time this week to sit down, write, and update my blog with posts about my new job--Yay!!
Until next post...
and your fans have been antsy for about 7 months…no top o’ the maze is like being lost in one. I’ve been working on putting my own scraps in some sort of order in an effort to get PAR moving again so I feel your anstyness on my own levels. Loosen up those fingers and the let the writing flow!