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La Crescenta, CA, United States
To find joy in the detours of life and climb out of the maze with a better perspective

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Checklist

1. Become a bartender

2. Finish a story

3. Do something big

I don't know what my "something big" will be; I just know that I want to do something that will surprise me and make me believe in my own talents again.

Somehow I've started believing that my talents aren't really talents. That I'm not quite as gifted as I once thought myself to be. I've felt belief in myself begin to flicker and fade, and I now question my own potential. Luckily this has scared the hibernating writer in me into making her presence known. She showed up today and scribbled some words that shocked a good dose of self-respect back into me.

I may not be destined to be the novelist I once dreamt of becoming. But maybe there's another form of writing more naturally suited to my style.

My heart sits full of unknowns, but in this upcoming year I have the vaguest sketch of a plan. To do the above listed three things. How they get done and the timeframe in which they're completed doesn't matter. As long as I keep the end goal in sight, and move closer to it as the year passes, I'll be happy to meander through ups and downs that 2012 brings my way.

Maybe my 'something big' will just be growing as an individual and as a writer.


  1. Lauren, we need to go on a date. I have heaps of advice for you. And I would love to have another writer's eye on some of the projects I'm working on right now. Seriously, any day you want to meet up to talk about writing and life, you know where to find me!

  2. That sounds amazing! I'd appreciate any advice I can get, and I'd love to help if I can.

  3. A bartender!? That's amazing right there because we need one for MAZ. Seriously though, your talents have not diminished, your personal story has just begun and what story would be worth reading without tension? If we knew each scene before we read it? Your self doubt is adding the tension, the story will be your overcoming it, the prize will be your great surprise at how well received the story is. Become the character you really want to be, write the story of your life as best you can. When you put something on the written page it will come from the path you are taking; the turmoil you face, self doubt you overcome, your victories and defeats, your mentors, antagonists, and clowns will all fill the pages with a great story well worth reading. A bartender? What a great place to study characters…have fun.

  4. Jerry--so I think I'm going to try to make it to MAZ. Couldn't get to the info meeting the other night because I've been sick. I'm sure a bartender is in high demand on the trip, but maybe I'll just go and help everyone work :) I'm hoping that I can use my life experiences to transform my stories into something powerful and meaningful. We'll see. And, you guessed it--bartending is one way I'm hoping to do some character study :)
